الخميس، 20 أكتوبر 2016

Symptoms and Treatment of Chickenpox

Symptoms and Treatment of Chickenpox:

1.       Appearance of itchy rash on the scalps, armpits, or groin area. It continues to include all the body.
2.       It begins as areas of redness with small and superficial blisters in the center. The blisters ruptures with small possible drainage, and then lesion will form a crust.
3.       Other symptoms may include fever, malaise, sore throat, and red eyes. In some cases, fever and malaise may precede the rash.
1.       First of all, the virus may spread from the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth of a child. But the rash itself is contagious, so the child shouldn’t go to school until the lesion appear and is fully crusted over.
2.       There’s no therapy prescribed that would heal the chickenpox once it appears, but your doctor may offer you some recommendations that help with the itchiness and discomfort.
3.       Never give children in general aspirin and children with chickenpox in particular. There is a deadly disease namely ‘Reye Syndrome’ is associated with children taking aspirin, especially those with chickenpox.
4.       In few cases, chickenpox affects the cornea, the clear front part of the eye. If your child suffers from chickenpox in the eye or tip of nose, see your doctor.
5.       You are advised to see the doctor if the your baby develops chickenpox in the genital regions or the mouth. 

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